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“Empowering women who have sought asylum in the UK is the heart of our work. We support women who are seeking refuge from persecution, including rape and other torture, to rebuild their lives and communicate their own needs and stories.”

We hope to raise £3000 and we’d really love it if you’d help us in our efforts to reach that goal. Just for some idea of where your money might go if you choose to support us:

* £100 can provide one woman with therapeutic mental health support with a qualified psychologist for one month
* £300 provides high-quality immigration advice over the phone to around six women
* £1,000 enables 10 women to attend our drama empowerment programme for a whole term


In September 2020, we raised £4000 for Girl Up Initiative Uganda's Adolescent Girls Programme. A huge thank you to all of our donors!

The GirlUp Uganda Adolescent Girls Program is an in-school program that focuses on building adolescent girls’ capacities for individual empowerment and social survival especially in patriarchal environments that do not value and respect the rights of girls and women. GUIU tackles gender inequality head on to ensure that women and girls become advocates for their human rights and build their self-esteem and self-worth.

The money we raised will fund 80 girls through Girl Up Uganda’s ‘Adolescent Girls Program’. 


In 2018, thanks to your generosity, we raised £10,000 to provide scholarships for girls to attend school in partnership with the Sanjan Nagar Public Education Trust (SNPET) in Lahore, Pakistan

SNPET was established in 1995 as a girls' high school in Kot Lakhpat, an industrial area of Lahore. Upon its inception, students attending Sanjan Nagar did not have to pay fees, however, this changed in September 2011, when fees were introduced. As a result, many girls are unable to afford to attend the school. 

It costs £280 to fund one girl through an entire year of school. Thanks to the generous contribution of our members and wider community, we launched a five girls into primary/secondary schooling with fully-funded private tuition. Surplus funds went to providing the students with laptops and other IT equipment. 

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