At the core of our ethos is bringing people together from around the world to meet other curious individuals in discussion groups and gain access to educational and other resources.
We have created a Big Sisters' Network which connects young people around the world through our platform on the basis of mentorship. We also use this space to bring together resources, educational material and useful information about creative and academic grant opportunities.
Scroll down to find a list of
recommended reading and podcasts
We brought together an audience of young people to listen to Monica Nyiraguhabwa and Mannat Malhi, who shared their thoughts and experiences on what it takes to reach your goals, the importance of aligning you passion with your work, and having strong role models. Thank you for all the fantastic questions!
“The highlight from the talk was the inspiring stories of two amazing individuals who only prove that anything is possible as long as one pursues one's goals and desires with perseverance. Also,the talk gave me a clearer picture of the world and the challenges one has to face and possible solutions. I found the breakout room part of it intellectually stimulating and I really enjoyed interacting with like minded peers. This engrossing and riveting experience really appealed to me and I'm eager to learn more and be a part of such a terrific organization. Hats off to Team EH*V!!!” - Anonymous
Monica Nyiraguhabwa is an innovative social entrepreneur. In 2012, she founded Girl Up Initiative Uganda (GUIU) to respond to the limited life choices and opportunities among adolescent girls and young women living in the urban slum areas of Uganda. Monica is a highly respected advocate for girls’ Education in Uganda who has been selected as an Obama Africa leader, Perennial Fellow, Cordes Fellow, Skoll Fellow and African Visionary Fellow. Monica has guided GUIU to achieving global status as a well-known locally-rooted organization working to secure long-term change for women and girls. GUIU has been internationally recognized as part of Michelle Obama’s Girls Opportunity Alliance and through their feature on NBC’s The Today Show with Jenna Bush Hager. Monica is a tireless advocate for girls who sees Girl Up Initiative Uganda growing so that she can reach all girls in Uganda and beyond. Beyond scaling up current programs, her big dream is to build a one-stop Girls Center of Excellence that will serve as a safe space for all girls to access quality life-long education and skills development. It would also be a global center to attract researchers and other partners to learn best practices in addressing barriers to girls quality education. Monica is a Commonwealth Scholar with an MA in Education, Gender and International Development from the University College of London and a BA in Adult and Community Education from Makerere University.
Mannat Malhi has a bachelor’s degree in Law from the University of Oxford, where she received the Peter Carter Prize as the highest ranked undergraduate law student at Wadham College. She also has a graduate Law degree from Harvard University. She has previously given a Ted Talk in Oxford entitled ‘How has long hair changed my life’. She is currently a trainee solicitor at Sidley Austin firm. She is passionate about access to justice, countering domestic violence and anti-discrimination law.Mannat is a second year Law student at Wadham College. She is a passionate advocate for women's rights and the rights of people of colour. She has held the role of Wadham's women's officer and the people of colour representative. She also writes for the Oxymoron, Oxford's satire magazine and the London-based zine, Skin Deep.As a Sikh woman with long hair, this talk addresses how I came to accept my own identity and my pursuit for others to embrace me too. Ultimately, equality is about perceiving all humans as individuals whose goals, ambitions and personalities are intricate and irreducible.
Here you will find useful information about applying to colleges and university in the US and UK. These documents have been put together by our EH*V members and previous interns, based on their own experiences and expertise.
What to expect: Attending a US University for the first time by Marissa Napolitano
Our Big Sisters team has put together some critical reading for different subjects. This is intended to be a useful starting for all those who are thinking of applying to study the given subject at university level.
Medicine and Medical Humanities
Leadership of interprofessional health and social care teams: a socio-historical analysis
A Once-in-a-Century Crisis Can Help Educate Doctors, Molly Worthen
'The House of God': reflections 40 years on with Samuel Shem
Environmental Studies
Please see Spread the Word page (scroll to the bottom)
Race Relations
​​Systemic Racial Inequality
Britain wrestles with its past | Talking Politics
History of ideas: Wollstonecraft on Sexual Politics | Talking Politics
Black People in Pre Colonial Britain | The Black Curriculum
The Radical Contemporary Podcast
Immigrantly | Saadia Khan
How To Raise a Woman by AfroQueer
This episode tells the story of Tshepho Ricki Kgositau, a Botswana trans woman and her experience of gender-transitioning, the support she received from her family and community, and how she influenced the Botswana High Court to change her gender marker.
Law and Justice
Sold In America | Noor Tagouri
Law in Action, Rape Myths | BBC Radio 4
Law in Action, Sex Discrimination Law | BBC Radio 4
Gurls Talk | Podcast on Spotify
Forgotten Women of the Civil Rights Movement | Dan Snow
Finding Yourself
Self-Identity by Hella Foreign The Podcast
Identity Crisis: Advice for Gender Critical Teens and Twenty-somethings
Motivation and Life Lessons
The High Low | Dolly Alderton and Pandora Sykes
Help Me Be Me | Podcast on Spotify
You Can Change - The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos | Podcast on Spotify
The Radical Contemporary Podcast
Disability Arts Online and Graeae present The Disability and..
Providing mentorship to young womxn is vital during the final stages of school life. Research has shown mentorship is linked to enhanced mentee productivity, self-efficacy, career/higher education satisfaction and a greater sense of support. As these young womxn approach critical decisions regarding their future in higher education and/or employment, the support and advice of a mentor is invaluable.
The Big Sister Programme matches Little Sisters, aged 17+, with experienced ‘Big Sisters’ who have undertaken similar challenges, and who are in a position to share their expertise and insight. The Little Sisters will benefit from the additional support and advice on academia and future prospects, ranging from university applications to career pathways. We pride ourselves on making educational and professional resources and opportunities as accessible as possible.
The Big Sister Programme was successfully piloted in Chia, Colombia in 2018. We connected 20 young girls from the Santa Maria Foundation with undergraduate students from Oxford University. To read more about this pilot, please click here.
The programme can take two forms;
The first is a one on one mentorship scheme where Big Sisters will provide young womxn with extra educational and developmental support.
The second is a workshops and panels series for larger groups where Big Sisters will give advice and share opportunities.
We design to the programme to best fit the needs of the young people we are working with.
If this is something you think your students could benefit from, or if you have any queries, please contact